Do you know everything about business strategy?

Answer this quiz and see if you need this course!


Do you think strategy is only for big companies?

Question 1 of 10


Companies A, B, and C have market shares of 40%, 20%, and 10%, respectively.

The business has a slope of 80%. A report shows margins of 20% for A, 10% for B, and -25% for C.

One ​​of these three margins is unlikely. Which one?


Question 2 of 10


It is better to have 30% market share than 20%

Question 3 of 10


In a distribution company, what turnover/capital ratio seems most likely to you:

Question 4 of 10


A company has capital of 100, net profit of 20 and dividend of 5.

It grows at:

Question 5 of 10


A company has capital of 100, a result of 20. Its boss wants it to grow to 30. How much should he inject?

Question 6 of 10


In a declining market, what is the best business strategy:

Question 7 of 10


A company has a turnover of 100, assets of 50, profit of 10 and PE of 20. What is its value?

Question 8 of 10


For a star, is it a good strategy to pay a big dividend?

Question 9 of 10


My company has a profitability of 10%, a PE of 10. I want to go from 10% to 30% growth. There are currently 100 shares.
How many new shares should I issue?

Question 10 of 10