Level 1 - Social Networks (Conquer global territories)
Level 2 - Bakeries (Conquer local territories)
Level 3 - Food Distribution (Understand life cycles)
Level 4 - Automotive (Stay leader)
Level 5 - Automotive (Go from challenger to leader)
Level 6 - Automotive (Master substitution)
The ranking is obtained by totaling the best score of each player in each of these six game sessions.
(Ranking of games played from 01/11/2020, when the score calculation method was modified)
Rankings for other levels :
Classement | Username | Score |
1 | frederic.babu | 1292.06 |
2 | JulesG | 1229.56 |
3 | pierre.louisot | 1182.16 |
4 | mostertag | 1181.33 |
5 | romain.clerbaut | 1159.24 |
6 | jjrm73 | 1089.58 |
7 | eric.tadbir | 1082.74 |
8 | aymeri.germain | 873.21 |
9 | fabrice.concas | 852.05 |
10 | carmen.negrillo | 834.00 |
11 | Stereor | 833.76 |
12 | gdepimodan | 832.43 |
13 | scharrat | 829.68 |
14 | eric.ung | 817.70 |
15 | julien.colomb | 812.66 |
16 | axelle.decadierdeveauce | 805.06 |
17 | Guiyome | 773.05 |
18 | brice.soucheleau | 745.89 |
19 | Livingstone | 740.79 |
20 | christophe.couturier | 720.52 |
21 | Daviddu16 | 716.82 |
22 | germinal.ratabouc | 680.47 |
23 | pghisgant | 674.37 |
24 | hugo.morin | 668.83 |
25 | Vincent B | 658.42 |
26 | JAMD | 653.20 |
27 | Lebillou | 651.81 |
28 | Smirnof56 | 632.67 |
29 | pierreguillaumelehodey@hotmail.com | 627.44 |
30 | teamcitybachelor | 620.29 |
31 | Valsatt | 612.75 |
32 | Anael | 611.92 |
33 | loick.briot | 610.84 |
34 | Sybialka | 608.63 |
35 | sandra.takassi@share-share.org | 602.69 |
36 | david.henry | 599.97 |
37 | WilliamPiet | 598.51 |
38 | yves.chenet | 593.33 |
39 | RougevinBaville | 581.38 |
40 | martin.pauty | 566.99 |
41 | hfostier | 554.36 |
42 | Mva | 552.38 |
43 | artha | 548.81 |
44 | BlackSalva | 542.77 |
45 | tlebarbanchon | 533.21 |
46 | bporet | 526.20 |
47 | eloi.vincent | 525.18 |
48 | TeamEconomy | 511.71 |
49 | LeoLeclerc | 510.11 |
50 | Malik | 509.75 |
51 | amarsollier | 499.47 |
52 | TeamEnergy | 498.86 |
53 | Marc_Noury | 496.75 |
54 | eric.marty@mines-paris.org | 492.81 |
55 | bertrand.duvivier | 491.21 |
56 | teammobilitybachelor | 486.51 |
57 | lbenmokhtar | 480.12 |
58 | thewolf | 478.54 |
59 | vgodefroy | 478.31 |
60 | lthomas | 476.32 |
61 | amal.maarad | 473.55 |
62 | louis.matha | 473.04 |
63 | dcherifi | 460.50 |
64 | RIVIELO24 | 449.77 |
65 | arthurgodart | 448.05 |
66 | Final7A | 444.46 |
67 | iouerfelli | 436.20 |
68 | teamtechnologybachelor | 418.16 |
69 | TeamMobility | 417.81 |
70 | bIshikura | 413.58 |
71 | Gaeljp27 | 411.23 |
72 | Ismail | 406.62 |
73 | rtacite | 398.31 |
74 | TeamCity | 374.05 |
75 | nicolas.momzikoff | 334.32 |
76 | adrien.andivero | 331.01 |
77 | hdesallierdupin | 315.72 |
78 | avachier | 302.81 |
79 | oerradi | 302.74 |
80 | Korri | 293.95 |
81 | augustin.desvaux | 283.09 |
82 | Leo Gratas | 266.64 |
83 | jandre | 265.77 |
84 | gurvan.touze | 253.09 |
85 | zbensemain | 244.71 |
86 | mehdi.medmoun | 240.51 |
87 | taumtauma | 238.94 |
88 | aaubregat | 234.49 |
89 | vgrinda | 229.95 |
90 | pimmipimbi | 226.74 |
91 | ENZOCHARLY | 223.38 |
92 | khst | 219.35 |
93 | laura.boyer | 218.69 |
94 | bkabongo | 216.68 |
95 | anne-laure.mirabaud | 214.63 |
96 | didiercarre | 210.63 |
97 | Rougevin-Baville | 198.93 |
98 | guerinn | 192.23 |
99 | patrick.sage | 186.52 |
100 | mathieu.guesmi | 186.21 |