News about Strathena



23 novembre 2024

Résultat du challenge BFM-Strathena de l’été

The three best players of the BFM-Strathena summer challenge were invited by BFM Business to present their strategy as part of the BFM Stratégie show broadcast on November 23, 2024. Congratulations to the three winners!

1st: Benjamin Sapin
2nd: Mathieu Ostertag
3rd: Eric Tadbir

Click on the below image to watch the show!

November 12th 2024

Masterclass by Xavier Fontanet at the Quimper – Cornouaille Technopole

A half-day training on business strategy was organized by the Quimper – Cornouaille Technopole on November 12th 2024 in front of over 100 participants.

During this session led by Xavier Fontanet, participants received a subscription to the Strathena platform to extend the training and to put into practice the main concepts of business strategy (experience curve, asset rotation constancy, life cycle, strategic portfolio).


July 1, 2024

Launch of the BFM-Strathena summer challenge

Following the Following the success of the BFM/Strathena challenges in 2018, 2019 and 2020, Strathena is once again partnering with the BFM Stratégie show and is offering a competition in July and August 2024. The best players will be invited onto the set of the BFM Strategy show at the end of the year.

The game is divided into three sessions around the subject of energy producers and the energy transition. The first 500 players will have free access to these three sessions, which will then be reserved for subscribers.

The BFM challenge / Strathena 2024 was presented on BFM Business during the BFM Stratégie program on Saturday June 29, 2024  :

More information about the BFM / Strathena 2024 challenge 


March 4, 2024

New game session

Subscribers now have access to a new game session:

Level 7 – Energies. This new chessboard will allow you to reflect on the competitive and financial challenges of the energy transition, from the point of view of a European player involved in the energy production and distribution sector. It particularly highlights the importance of strategic portfolio analysis and mastery of financing methods.

Please feel free to share your comments on this new session.


January 18, March 4 and 27, 2024

Strathena at the Maison des Polytechniciens

A training on business strategy presented by Xavier Fontanet was organized for members of the X-Sursaut association, which brings together more than 1,000 alumni from the École Polytechnique, and the Intermines association, which brings together alumni from the Mines de l’Université engineering schools. Paris, Nancy and Saint Etienne.

This training consists of three mornings from January to March 2024 and takes place at the Maison des Polytechniciens in Paris.

On this occasion, participants received a subscription to the Strathena platform that Alexis Lacapelle, Interactive 4D director, presented during the session of March 4.




December 2023

New game sessions

Subscribers now have access to two new game sessions:

Level 3-Food distribution. This session allows you to become familiar with the concept of life cycles.

Level 6 – Automobile. This session allows you to ‘training in mastering the phenomenon of substitution as well as the principle of share buybacks.









Please feel free to share your feedback on these new sessions!


October 6, 2023

New version of the game

A new update game update is available, faster (especially when changing years) and with some visual improvements.

If you are on a computer, it loads automatically when you launch the game. For use on a smartphone or tablet, simply update the application mobile on Google Play or the App Store.

Give us your opinion< /a> !

September 2023

In preparation…

The Interactive 4D team invites you has some great surprises in store for the month of October!

A new game update is in preparation, faster (especially during year changes) and a new game session bringing in particular two major new features:

  • PER (Price Earning Ratio) individualized for each competitor that better corresponds to economic realities;
  • the possibility of buying back your shares! You will thus be able to test the interest yourself and the impact of a share buyback on the price and profitability of your shares. In the meantime, review Xavier Fontanet’s course on this current topic in the
    chapter 11 (Growing through the stock market)!</ li>

August 2023

New course on share buybacks

Added Xavier Fontanet’s course on the share buyback in the chapter 11 (Growing through the stock market). Discover in this video the principles and objectives of the share buyback mechanism, often criticized, but rarely explained clearly.


May 23, 2023

Prize ceremony for the Strathena challenge – Intermines On the occasion of the annual cocktail of Intermines, the association of alumni from the three engineering schools of Mines (Paris, Nancy, Saint Etienne), Xavier Fontanet and Alexis Lacapelle, Director of Interactive 4D, announced the winners of the Strathena Challenge. The event took place at the Hôtel de l’Industrie in Paris and was also an opportunity to hear from Philippe Knoche, CEO of Orano and Jean Arthuis , former Minister of Economy and Finance and former Member of the European Parliament. Congratulations to all the participants of the challenge!


April 28, May 26, 2023

Strathena at L’Oréal

Young executives from L’Oréal group took a business strategy course with Xavier Fontanet on April 28, 2023.

This course took place at L’Oréal’s premises in Clichy and was broadcast online for participants unable to travel. Participants received access to the Strathena platform to follow the courses, check their knowledge through quizzes and practice with the game. An internal challenge was launched to reward the best players which gave rise to a second session on the 26th May 2023 during which the results of the challenge were announced.





April 5, 2023

Strathena at the École des Mines

The alumni association of the three engineering schools of Mines (Paris, Nancy, Saint Etienne) organized a conference entitled “Humanism and strategy” presented by Xavier Fontanet and structured around the Strathena platform.

This course began with an introductory session led by Xavier Fontanet on April 5, 2023 at the École des Mines de Paris and online for participants unable to travel to Paris. Participants were given access to the Strathena platform to follow the courses, check their knowledge through quizzes, and participate in a strategy competition using the serious game. Participants with the highest score will be awarded a prize at the annual Mines cocktail party on May 23.



February 10, 2023

Strathena at school

The Parisian school Concordia chose the Strathena platform and Xavier Fontanet for its business strategy teaching to CM2 students.

The students played in groups of two or three students and then brilliantly explained their strategy to Xavier Fontanet. Well done, young people!


June 24, 2022

Uploading of a new version of the game on this site , on Google Play and on the App Store. This new version is essentially a graphical overhaul of the game with the addition of more colorful icons and visuals. Some improvements to the game’s operation have also been made and an English version has been added.

However, there are still some visual imperfections on the iOS version that will be corrected in the coming days. Thank you for your patience!


August 26, 2021

Strathena in L’Usine Nouvelle

Video editorial by Christine Kerdellant, editorial director of L’Usine Nouvelle


Brittany, California of the circular economy?

Can Brittany be to the agricultural circular economy what California is to tech? Yes, if we are to believe a dissertation written by Olivier Berthouloux and Guillaume Letur, produced under the leadership of the former head of Essilor, Xavier Fontanet, as part of the B5 school, a sort of ENA that trains future Breton leaders at the Saint-Exupéry high school in Rennes. By working on the strategy game Strathena, invented by Interactive 4D and Xavier Fontanet, they have built a dizzying strategy for Brittany.



March 2021

The start-up Share chooses Strathena platform and Xavier Fontanet for his teaching of business strategy to students from TOGO.

Share is an innovative start-up (sponsored by Tony Blair, former British Prime Minister), at the crossroads of education and consulting, which runs a leadership programme to transform brilliant university students into “Do Well Do Good” leaders.



October 31, 2020

Publication of a new score calculation method in the Strathena game.

Your score in the game is calculated year after year and represents the evaluation of your decisions, from the point of view of your shareholders.

It is now calculated by totaling:

  • The unit price of your shares.
  • The annual average dividends that you have paid to your shareholders for each share since the first year of the game.

The rankings have been reset to zero to take into account this new calculation method.

New score formula


Until this date, the score was calculated differently, by totaling:

    • The value of your company, equal to 15 times your profits.
    • The cumulative dividends that you have paid to your shareholders since the first year of the game.
    • Your cash position at the end of the year

and by deducting from this total your level of indebtedness.

Old score formula


If you play on the Android or iOS app, don’t forget to update it to play with this new formula.


July 10, 2020

Publication of a new bankruptcies calculation in the Strathena game.

Your banker now grants you an overdraft authorization which is communicated to you at the start of the game. If your cash deficit exceeds the authorized limit, your banker will block your accounts and your company will be declared insolvent, which will immediately lead you to bankruptcy (game over).

(In games played up to this date, exceeding a loss/total assets ratio resulted in bankruptcy).




June 20, 2020

Live on App Store of a new version of the Strathena game for iPad and iPhone benefiting, as for the versions for computers and Android tablets, from a better fluidity and the possibility of adding information messages during the game.


</a >  



June 15, 2020

Posted on Google Play of a new version of the Strathena game for tablets and Android smartphone benefiting from better fluidity of interactions and the possibility of displaying information messages during the game. 




May 20, 2020

A new version of the Strathena computer game has been released. The The connection frequency with the server has been optimized to reduce the slowness of interactions affecting certain screens and allow for better fluidity of the game. A feature allowing the display of information messages during the game has also been added. ;



May 3, 2020

Publication of a questions / answers space reserved for subscribers. Subscribers can contact us send their questions about the course or the game via a dedicated form. Xavier Fontanet answers a selection questionson this siteand in the ‘BFM Strategy show.



April 18, 2020

New course

Added in chapter 4 for our subscribers from the video of the broadcast of 03/10/2020 on segmentation in the automotive sector.


April 13, 2020

Published by Le Figaro of an article on the launch of the game BFM.


April 10, 2020

Launch of the BFM 2020 game

In partnership with BFM Business, a new season of the Strathena game is launched! Take advantage of these times of confinement to train yourself in business strategy thanks to the BFM Stratégie show, quizzes and the Strathena game.

 The BFM game  


July 2019

Launch of the BFM 2019 competition

Following the success of the summer 2018 competition, Interactive 4D and Xavier Fontanet are once again teaming up with BFM Business to launch a new competition this summer based on Strathena, the serious game for training in business strategy.

The competition is offered from July 15 to September 15, 2019 on the website and the Strathena mobile application, which can be downloaded from the Apple Store and Google Play. The competition is completely free and open to all.

Once registered, players follow the videos of the main BFM Stratégie programs and test their understanding of the course using quizzes before playing three game sessions of increasing difficulty.


June 22, 2019

Interview with the finalists of the high school competition on BFM Business

In partnership with Interactive 4D, LIBSCO, the educational freedom fair, launched in February 2019 a major competition open to all high school students in Première, regardless of their high school: public, private, general or professional.

Following the final held in public at the LIBSCO show on Saturday, April 6, 2019 in Paris, the two first-year finalist classes were invited to present their strategies during the BFM Stratégie show on 06/22/2020.




April 6, 2019

High school competition final

In partnership with Interactive 4D, LIBSCO, the educational freedom fair, launched a major competition open to all high school students in Première, regardless of their high school: public, private, general or vocational.

The two best Première classes from the qualification phase were selected for the final. Their teams competed in the final, which was held in public at the LIBSCO show on Saturday, April 6, 2019 in Paris.



April 5, 2019

Publication by the magazine “L’éco” of an interview with Xavier Fontanet on business strategy




February 6, 2019

Launch of the high school competition

In partnership with Interactive 4D, LIBSCO, the trade fair educational freedom, organizes a major competition open to all high school students in Première, regardless of or their high school: public, private, general or professional.

The key for participating high school students and finalists:
• a live final at the LIBSCO show for the 4 teams of finalists,
• an invitation to the set of the show “BFM Strategy” hosted by Xavier Fontanet on the BFM Business channel.
• a “Golden Strategist” (Silver or Bronze) certificate to be used in Parcoursup,
• … and a real knowledge of business strategy.



December 8, 2018

Broadcast of the BFM Stratégie program on BFM Business with the 3 winners of the BFM Stratégie competition. Congratulations to all three and thank you to all the participants!



December 4, 2018

Launch of the Strathena mobile application

In addition to the website, the MOOC and the serious game for training in business strategy by Xavier Fontanet and Interactive 4D are now available on the App Store for iPad and on Google Play for Android tablets.

Videos, a quiz and a session of the game are available for free access. An advanced level of the course and game is also offered by subscription.


September 2018

Article from Entreprendre magazine

Interview with Xavier Fontanet in < strong>The Entreprendre magazine< /a> and presentation of the BFM Stratégie competition organized with BFM Business and Interactive 4D.


July 30, 2018

Article from Figaro Economie

Interview with Xavier Fontanet and Frédéric Simottel, in Le Figaro Economie and presentation of the BFM Stratégie competition organized with BFM Business and Interactive 4D.


July 2018

Con Launch BFM 2018 course

In partnership with BFM Business, Interactive 4D and Xavier Fontanet are launching a competition around Strathena, the first serious game for training in business strategy. The competition is offered in July and August on the website. It is completely free and open to all audiences.



April 2018

Launch of the Strathena game

Interactive 4D and Xavier Fontanet are launching Strathena, the first serious game for training in business strategy.

The game is available in three formats:

. In single-player mode, players can play independently against companies run by artificial intelligence. This mode is suitable for distance learning programs.

. In multiplayer mode, the game allows a trainer to lead a strategy course by having players play against each other. Each player drives the strategy of a company in competition with those run by the other players. This mode is intended for training organizations and educational institutions. Different levels of difficulty allow it to be adapted to the level of learners, from secondary schools to business schools.

. In simulation mode, the game allows you to automatically compare different strategies to assess their relevance. This mode is mainly intended for companies and strategy consulting firms.

Former Chairman of Essilor and director of large international groups, Xavier Fontanet is now a professor of strategy at HEC, columnist for the newspaper Les Echos and host of the BFM Stratégie show with Frédéric Simottel on BFM Business.